6 years ago, I redpointed Route 66, a 5.12a at the Membrane wall in American Fork Canyon, Utah. I remember it being a challenge. This year, we quickly unsent it on my first try. Luckily, I was given some different beta for the roof and I was able to resend it during my second session. This unsend it project is definitely motivating me to keep after it to experience all this progress. It's getting addicting.
A Climbing Deja Vu
I was finally able to repeat the first of 15 of my hardest rock climbing routes (5.12 and harder). I was able to repeat Naked Nebula in about the same amount of attempts and sessions as I did four years ago. That's a good sign. Now it's time to get to work on the remaining 14 routes.
Is Falling A Bad Thing?
I jumped on Naked Nebula, my 11th 5.12 or harder route, to see if I could repeat it and quickly unsent it. Now I need to see if I can re-send it quicker or as quick as when I did in 2015. Wish me luck. If you aren’t falling, you aren’t trying hard enough. #SeekOutTheAdventure
The Plan To Unsend It All
Now that I've put my latest project to rest, I can actually start on unsending all my old 5.12 sends. I have 15 routes to unsend and repeat before the snow starts flying. Let's see if I can do it.
Repeating Your Redpoints
If Chris Sharma were to jump back on Jumbo Love, knowing that he's been climb harder over the years, would he resend it or unsend it on his first go? What would happen if you jumped back onto one of your harder redpoints? Why don't we repeat our hardest climbs?
It's Time To Unsend It
It's time to unsend it. I'm committing myself to jump on all the 5.12 and harder routes that I have redpointed in the past to see if I will unsend them first before resending them. Most likely that will be the case because I am out of shape, older, and I don't have a lot of free time to climb. #SeekOutTheAdventure