While in Thailand during 2017, we explored the temple ruins of Ayutthaya, near Bangkok. This is the place where you’ll find the buddha head suck in some tree roots.
How Much Cereal Can You Eat?
When you find out that a cereal cafe in your town has an all you can eat option and 70 different flavors...you have to take the kids and see who can eat the most.
Will It Bowl • EP 4 • WILL IT WORK Series
Heading out to do something you've already done before, like bowling? Spice it up by playing it in an unusual and exciting way. #SeekOutTheAdventure #WillitWork
Will It Easter Egg • EP 3 • WILL IT WORK Series
Don't settle for the typical egg dying methods. Try something unusual and exciting and decorate your eggs in ways that you've never tried. Rice and food coloring. Shaving cream and food coloring. Water and nail polish. Purple cabbage water and vinegar. Leaves and glue. #SeekOutTheAdventure
Will It Cook On An Iron • EP 1 • WILL IT WORK Series
Have you ever tried cooking food with an ordinary iron? We tried a few different types of food to see if it was possible and were surprised with the results. #SeekOutTheAdventure
BISQUE-MAS - a new holiday
If you've ever seen Studio C you'll know about Bisque-mas, which is celebrated the day after Christmas. #SeekOutTheAdventure
The clothespin challenge
It's time to see how many clothespins you can stick on your face...ready, set, GO! #SeekOutTheAdventure
Gross Chubby Bunny Challenge
The debate started with two boys trying to decide who had the bigger cheeks. So we took it to the table with a bag of marshmallows for a chubby bunny contest. #SeekOutTheAdventure
The Floor is Lava
When you are stuck at the mall, make it a little more adventurous by playing The Floor is Lava.
The Disney Surprise That Irritated The Kids
We took the kids on a special vacation to Disney World, but they didn't know until we actually got there.
Shock Collar Challenge: Drink Water
Strapping on a shock collar is a scary thing. Try doing anything that requires precision while your friend zaps you. Grab your own shock collar here.
Visit our YouTube channel and subscribe for more videos of crazy adventures.
Life With Father
The boys and I do just about everything together: eating cereal next to the heater, watch Star Wars, bake cookies, and watch YouTube videos. #SeekOutTheAdventure
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos of adventure.