
Seek the CHRIST in Christmas

During the Christmas season, we recognize the birth of Jesus Christ, whom the Christians believe to be the Savior of the world; saving us from sin and death. Christmas is celebrated by millions, if not billions of people. It isn't just a Christian holiday, many other faiths celebrate this season in their own ways. Why? Because it is a season that represents salvation.

Jesus Christ, believe in him or not, is the universal symbol of salvation. When he was born, the entire world regained their hope to one day live with their God and Creator. On Christmas Day, we say we celebrate the birth of a child; what we are really celebrating is our belief in life after death.

If any of you do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World, I invite you to ask yourself if you believe in salvation. If you do, then you have reason to celebrate Christmas. Don't throw away Christmas because you don't believe in Jesus. Embrace Christmas because it gives you hope for a life that if full of purpose and direction.

Salvation is real and it is a present that is being offered to you. So when you hear me wish you a "Merry Christmas," I'm actually inviting you to believe in the one thing that all mankind wants and believes...SALVATION.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

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